abstract form

Discuss your interpretation of the topic and the challenge/problem you are solving as it relates to the topic selected above (1000 characters)
Discuss your solution to the problem, differentiators, and desired outcome of the effort. (3000 characters)
Team Members and Roles(Required)
Company Name
Member Type (Foundation, Pillar, Keystone)
Discuss your approach to WFD, i.e. course curriculum development, internships, on-the-job training, partnership with regional resources, etc… (1000 characters)
Discuss the benefit to the DoD/Warfighter, potential program of record transition targets, and potential dual-use commercial applications. (1000 Characters)
Will Private Capital be needed to achieve commercialization?
List your preliminary work plan by task to achieve the desired end-state (2000 Characters)

Primary Business POC:


Primary Technical POC:

Has your organization already completed a MMEC Hub Membership Application(Required)