
The MMEC’s technical emphasis strategy is designed to accelerate innovation by enabling systematic, data-driven, feedback for rapid optimization of microelectronic development. Using the input of members, industry, core facility providers, academia, and government, the MMEC™ will provide a central hub for the development of a scalable and resilient microelectronics manufacturing ecosystem. The MMEC™ will provide:

  • Unified infrastructure to exchange information.
  • Scale-up and scale-out pathway and opportunities.
  • Secure backbone for microelectronic development and manufacturing.
  • Systematic assessment of supply chain capabilities and vulnerabilities.
  • Advocacy and policy advancement.


In alignment with the DoDs Microelectronic Commons program, the MMEC™ technology emphasis areas are:

  • Secure Edge/IoT Computing
  • Electromagnetics
  • Quantum Technology
  • 5G/6G Technology
  • AI Hardware
  • Commercial Leap Ahead Technologies


The MMEC™ focus is on the acceleration of “Lab-to-Fab” to provide long-term solutions to the current microelectronic shortages by unleashing innovation and accelerating the transition from research (lab) to the design and manufacture (fab) of microelectronic products. A digital society is only possible with a secure, robust, and comprehensive physical infrastructure at its foundation and the MMEC™ will help foster that ecosystem. Additionally, we believe that industry, universities, research facilities, and government have the responsibility to educate the future workforce to enable world-class research and development. The MMEC™ provides a central HUB for the opportunities that Lab-to-Fab can provide to the future of the US as a world leader in independent microelectronic design and manufacturing.