Frequently Asked Questions

We recognize that there are many questions about THE Commons, the Call for Projects, Infrastructure access, Workforce Development, and many other aspects of future efforts. We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help accelerate communication and understanding with our members. New FAQs will be added on a weekly basis, please check the FAQ before submitting a new question using the link below.




TEAs and projects are available on the website.

Additional cost share guidance will be provided in additional to what is found in the CFP.

Putting your team together and submitting one abstract would be optimal. We can facilitate teaming between members and/or recruiting new members to round out your team.

Ultimately, the MMEC Member Portal will provide a marketplace for posting capabilities. Currently, we are working hard to connect members with potential partners one-on-one. We will also provide future opportunities at events and through “Member Spotlight” briefings or other member communication.

Yes, fab costs should be included at this time. This may change in the future if Hub or The Commons wide contracts are negotiated with Cores.

No, all projects must be submitted to the MMEC through the abstract portal.

The government reserves the right to make any number of awards or no awards for any of the topics in the CFP.

The MMEC will submit the best 15 projects that utilize member capabilities and expertise regardless of the technical area.

The CFP is available on NSTXL website under opportunities.

The MMEC team will need some time to review all the abstracts and evaluate which will part of our allocated 15 submittals. We are hopeful that we will be able to send out that info the following week after abstracts are due.

Cost sharing is strongly encouraged. One or more of the three eligibility requirement must be met. Cost share is a strong differentiator, and we will provide additional guidance.

Yes, if they are subcontractors to another members. If the organization is filling a significant role and/or will be received funds from MMEC, they must become a member.

The size in dollar amount isn’t specifically mentioned in the request, however, the goals is to fund as many promising technologies that can enhance Warfighter capabilities.

Yes, we will provide this feedback with a goal of getting back to all abstract submissions the week after abstracts are due.

Yes, the objective is to communicate prior to the need to submit questions to the CFP question deadline.

It will be dependent on the project.

Yes, you may submit an abstract but please also complete our Membership Application the website.

The CFP is limited to U.S. Citizens and Green Card Holders and US based companies.

Please reach out to us and we will help you connect with project teams as opportunities are presented.

The teams of exemplar projects that were provided with the initial proposal and are aligned with the CFP have been contacted. If you have not been contacted, please reach out for clarification.

The abstracts will be used to help us understand your suggested proposal and alignment to our Hub and the CFP evaluation criteria.


Yes, all members will be sent a link to the PowerPoint and a recording of the meeting a couple of days after the meeting. This will be the same for all future virtual meetings.

Not at this point but follow-on years there will be a membership cost

Ultimately, the MMEC Member Portal will provide a marketplace for posting capabilities. Currently, we are working hard to connect members with potential partners one-on-one. We will also provide future opportunities at events and through “Member Spotlight” briefings or other member communication.

This will be available in the future through our Member Portal, for now we are doing our best to connect members directly.

Yes, as long as they are an MMEC Member.

U.S. Citizens and Green Card Holders and US based companies.


Once the infrastructure investments have been decided we will provide that information to our members.

We are in the process of making final infrastructure investments based on our original Hub proposal. Infrastructure and equipment can be part of a new project submission and/or met by an existing member.


Yes, EDA and tool cost should be included. The initial abstract will not provide that level of granularity in the form. We will collect detailed budgets for abstracts that move forward to a full proposal.



The NDA is between MMEC and the Hub member. Additional NDAs between parties must be executed between the parties as necessary.

NDAs are available for download and upload on the opportunities page of the MMEC website